Moving your website from Wordpress to Squarespace.

Redesign a Squarespace website
Redesign a Squarespace website
Redesign a Squarespace website

Five years ago we made the decision to move from working on all platforms to work just on Squarespace websites. We were mostly working on Wordpress websites but it became increasingly harder for our clients to work on their own websites themselves.

If you absolutely need all the bells and whistles on your website and you need a flock of multi coloured flamingos walking from the home page to the contact page then Wordpress is probably for you.

The demands of websites have changed even in the last two years. Clients want fast loading, SEO friendly, simple, beautifully designed websites that make it easy for a prospective customer to contact them. This is where Squarespace excels. The client also wants to understand how their website works too. Another huge plus for moving to Squarespace.

Wordpress is hard for a client to understand and it became frustrating for us as designers we had to keep up with it too. Sure, you can build anything on the Wordpress platform but with Squarespace’s new Fluid engine we can build pretty much anything on Squarespace too. Most crucially our clients can make changes to content on their website themselves.

Then there are the Wordpress plugins. The dreaded plugins!!! If one of them doesn’t update or they fail the whole website goes down. The whole thing is a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

Of course there are advantages to both and there are entrenched camps either side of the divide. There are websites out there that do need the Wordpress capability.

With Squarespace you can still have he flamingos but at least your website won’t completely freeze up when your potential client looks at your website on his or her phone on the train.

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

How adding code can benefit a Squarespace website, and how code can break your website.


Redesigning an old or outdated Squarespace website.